
From Tales of Midya Wiki

Skills determine what actions you can take but they rely on stats to determine how well you perform them. For example, let's assume you are just starting out and you have a bronze sword, you have the skill to wield it proficiently. The trouble is, you won't be very strong or dexterous so you won't be able to hit very hard or very accurately. Now let's assume you've been playing a while and have decided mining, which gives CON and STR, is what you wanted to start with. but now you're wanting to level woodcutting, which also uses CON and STR, the stat levels you earned with mining translate to woodcutting to make you more efficient at cutting the trees you are skilled enough to cut. alternatively let's assume the same scenario but instead of woodcutting you decide to equip that sword and go fight some rats. the STR you got from mining will help you hit harder and the CON will help you survive longer, you don't have any additional DEX so you won't hit any more frequently.

Skill speed is determined by log100[(S+1)*T] where S is your stat average and T is your tool level

Gathering Skills

Gathering Skills

Refining Skills

Refining Skills

Production Skills

Production Skills

Other Skills

Other Skills